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Welcome to Travels With Kevin! There is nothing I enjoy more than traveling the world, meeting people from everywhere, and writing about the wacky place that is our planet. Mark Twain wrote, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness." I believe he should've added "and it's friggin' hilarious."

Come with me as I take on the daunting task of traveling the world you never knew you lived in.

By the way, I've just done a major overhaul of the site, so new articles are being posted every day. Please check back often!

Please vote! I'm a candidate for "A Really Good Job" by Murphy-Goode Winery in Sonoma County. Please watch my video and vote for me!

Travel Articles

Click on an article to read more:

  • Where Travel and Green Living Meet
    Valparaiso, Chile
    I've learned in my travels that often, there is nothing special about a port of entry. When one enters a country through a city such as New York, London, or Sydney, there is plenty to explore and enjoy. Often, though, ports of entry into a country simply aren't nearly as exciting as the smaller and more hidden cities that lie beyond. Imagine entering the United States via Raleigh, North Carolina; or Hartford, Connecticut; or Los Angeles. Sometimes it is best to skip a city entirely. Read more »
  • Kangaroo Lost
    Australia is much better the third time around, if not for the fact that you no longer get phased by the question "How ya goin?" can say "No worries" without batting an eye, and can call everyone "mate" even if you don't really like them, but for the fact that it becomes much easier to explore the country as a whole. Read more »
  • Say Goodbye
    Big Bend, Texas
    Do you remember those Zima commercials where it was so hot and sticky, the guy not only stuck to the furniture, but the furniture actually flew across the room and stuck to him? That's Texas on a cold summer day. Imagine a hot summer day. In August, temperatures get so hot that it's only news when the thermometer drops below 100 degrees. Read more »
  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Motorcycle
    Saigon & Mekong Delta, Vietnam
    When I first told friends that I was going to Vietnam, reactions varied:

    "Cool! I hear it's amazing."
    "Is it safe?"
    "I know a guy that can get you into Canada."

    Vietnam evokes a wider reaction, it seems, than any other country. Read more »
Map of Travels

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